
Baby Beach
Baby Beach
At the Baby Beach, one of the main attractions of Sonnentherme, many babies turn into master builders trying their hands on their first sand castles.
Our Outdoor Baby each with
• 450 m² water surface,
• a sloping water depth of 7-47 cm,
• a fine, soft sand beach and
• lots of place to lounge in the shade
invites visitors to enjoy the Burgenland sun.

Bumper Boats
Bumper Boats
In the shallow water pool of our Baby Beach with a port, lighthouse and boat house, you can drive around in our funny little electric Bumper Boats all on your own!
It's fun and totally safe!

Outdoor Pool for Babies and Toddlers
Outdoor Pool for Babies and Toddlers
This 35 cm deep pool gives the little ones the chance to have fun in the open air. Two small slides in this pool allow children to let off some steam.
Shaded lounging areas and baby sunscreen from the hot springs shop protect your baby's sensitive skin from overly intense UV-radiation.